IsoMatrixx has become one of Insul-decks leading distributors in Ontario for their high quality, insulated floor system.
Most product is inventoried but product cut to length can be turned around in about 1 week. Insul-deck cost is similar to precast floor systems, but requires only one pour and that gives you insulation, soundproofing, less concrete use and a built-in system for fastening drywall direct to the product.
INSUL-DECK is a very fast, versatile construction system for Floors, Roofs and Elevated Buildings. The stay-in-place insulating concrete forms (ICFs) are made of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS), an insulation material of choice for many decades using no CFC or HCFC gases. Integrated steel beams are molded into each Insul-Deck panel creating formwork for the support of concrete, reinforcement, and construction loads with minimal shoring. The forms are lightweight so that two people can handle each panel. Insul-Deck also reduces the floors’ weight, producing a T-beam shape instead of a conventional flat slab. Ceiling finishes, such as drywall, can be attached directly to the INSUL-DECK forms. To speed up job-site installation, Insul-Deck concrete forms are made-to-order in whatever lengths & thicknesses required using a patented continuous molding process. The system is the result of years of research, design, and practical field experience.
INSUL-DECK Roofs and Floors can be built to withstand tornado-level winds, the impact of flying debris, and fires. Elevated buildings are easily constructed with INSUL-DECK raised slabs to minimize or eliminate flood damage. Resilient buildings keep occupants and property safe. INSUL-DECK Minimizes air infiltration leading to fewer allergens, improved indoor air quality, and no drafts or cold spots. High Sound Transmission Class (STC) ratings reduce the noise. A cozy, healthy, and peaceful indoor environment is made easy with INSUL-DECK, which also is perfect for in-floor radiant heating.
Reinforced Concrete is strong enough for bunkers and all your resiliency requirements. Due to the insulating, thermal mass, and low air-infiltration properties, INSUL-DECK structures easily meet many energy-efficiency program requirements and are ideal for Net Zero and Green Roofs. Inert materials keep occupants healthy for the life of the building.